As the economy takes its toll on our community, the need for food, shelter and clothing continues to rise throughout the Greater Rochester Area. Our guests, who often don't have a voice of power in our community, need your assistance.
Imagine waking up in the morning to face a day on the street, with no home, no family and no job. Sadly, that 's a daily reality for many of our guests. For them, we are their light in the darkness, but that light needs energy and support from you.
To mail us a donation, access our Donation Form which you can print out, complete and mail to us. For more information about how you can help us, please contact Tom Malthaner at 585-232-3262.
We very much appreciate your financial support. Please make any checks out to St. Joseph's House of Hospitality, P.O. Box 31049, Rochester, NY 14603. Saint Joseph's House of Hospitality is a 501-C3 organization. Any donation that you make is tax deductible. To become active in our community, send us an e-mail to We will respond promptly. |