
Works of Mercy Performed Here Daily.

Like any organization dedicated to improving the lives of the disenfranchised, the 10917814_10204871342054853_8699350271416316625_nhomeless and the hungry, Saint Joe’s needs volunteers who are willing to help prepare and serve food, assist our guests, staff our shelter and pitch in where needed.

We rely heavily on the work of volunteers. We need kitchen, support staff and more to help us with our daily programs, which are so important to so many. If you are interested in volunteering, or if you’re just curious about the place, contact Jasmin Reggler via 585-314-8028 or jreggler@saintjoeshouse.org.

Live-in Catholic Worker Community at St. Joe’s House of Hospitality
At St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality, we are an intentional community centering around the ideals of the Catholic Worker Movement, where we share the hope for a new society, a new way of being with one another. The sources of our spirit and direction are the teachings of Jesus and the works of our founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. Since 1941 we have been an independent, non-profit organization, sustained by the donations and financial contributions of individuals and charity-minded groups. We are rooted in the belief that through God we are provided with our daily needs to meet the needs of those we serve. There is no requirement of a religious affiliation, although we try to create a space centered around faith and spiritual values.

We attempt to form community through a commitment to the following:

  • Acceptance of the person.
  • The daily practice of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy: (Spiritual) Instruct, advise, console, comfort, forgive, and bear wrongs patiently. (Corporal) Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned, bury the dead, and give alms to the poor.

Newcomers are welcome here–
While there is always more for all of us to learn, potential community members are advised to have some understanding of the Catholic Worker movement’s aims and means, origin, newspapers, founders, and role in the 21st century. Even if this has come through one’s own research rather than participation or conversation, it’s important.  We also give individuals opportunities to those who wish to serve people living on the margins.

What Catholic Workers at St. Joe’s do:

  • Prepare soup, coffee, toiletries/clothing, and bag lunches for our guests.
  • Plan and attend rallies for various causes including tenants’ rights, an end to homelessness, the Poor Peoples’ Campaign, immigrant rights and more.
  • Go out on outreach where we try to find those living on the street to see if we can provide any assistance.
  • Participate in other aspects of managing the House

How to get involved as a Live-in Catholic Worker:
Please email or call Saint Joe’s to ask clarifying questions that help determine if Saint Joe’s seems like a good match. Before reaching out, please take time to consider and be ready to discuss:

  • What draws you to work with the poor? To live with others in community? To participate in activism or protest?
  • What is your understanding of racism, classism, anarchism, feminism, solidarity, or nonviolent resistance to evil, and what role does your religion have in it all?
  • Are you able to humble yourself before and embrace the perspectives of others?
  • Community involves sacrifice and compromise. How do you respond when you don’t get your way?

Come and help us feed the hungry.

Learn more about Saint Joe’s House of Hospitality. To apply call 585-232-3262. The best time to call the house is between 9 am and 12:30 pm during the work week.